Extended Media (Oslo) has developed, furnished and populated with animated figures a historically accurate, high-quality, explorable, interactive 3D ‘virtual’ model of Akershus Castle, Oslo as it was in the Middle Ages, when it was known as ‘Akersborg’. Most of the building no longer exists in its original state or is no longer visible, so this virtual version provides a unique opportunity to experience the medieval castle as it was in the fourteenth century. ‘Medieval Akersborg’ was made with support from Oslo Kommune Kulturetaten, collaboration with Queens Game and research and historical input from the chief curator, Visitor Centre, Norwegian Armed Forces Museum, Akershus Fortress & Castle, Oslo.

Nordvestre forsvarstårn
Indre porttårn
Ytre porttårn
‘Medieval Akersborg’ virtual castle from above (mouse rollover for Norwegian names)
‘Medieval Akersborg’ is a free, on-site, public exhibit at the Norwegian Armed Forces Museum and Visitor Centre, Akershus Fortress and Castle, Oslo. It premiered at the annual Oslo Medieval Festival held at the castle, 26 May 2023.

Norwegian Armed Forces Museum and Visitor Centre, Akershus Fortress and Castle, Oslo
Virtual Medieval Akersborg curtain walls
Virtual Medieval Akersborg inner ward
Virtual Medieval Akersborg inner gatehouse passage
Virtual Medieval Akersborg brewhouse
Virtual Medieval Akersborg bakehouse

Virtual Medieval Akersborg curtain walls

Virtual Medieval Akersborg inner ward

Virtual Medieval Akersborg inner gatehouse passage

Virtual Medieval Akersborg brewhouse

Virtual Medieval Akersborg bakehouse
‘Medieval Akersborg’ brings together historical interpretation and interactive technology in the service of cultural heritage in a new way – using a games engine (Unreal Engine 4.26) to create an interactive, explorable exhibit.

Medieval Akersborg interactive exhibit start screen – play owl
The exhibit is designed to immerse visitors in history as they play an owl (flying around the towers and roofs) or a cat (exploring the interior of the North Wing and the castle grounds) – catching rats.

Medieval Akersborg interactive exhibit loading screen
‘Medieval Akersborg’ aims to engage visitors of all ages. As you fly the owl around the castle, you can choose the option of an audio historical commentary identifying the various buildings, in Norwegian or English. Much of the physical Medieval Akersborg was lost to fire in the sixteenth century, or is now invisible beneath later restoration for occupancy and military use. The virtual exhibit helps tell its story at visitors’ own pace.

Medieval Akersborg interactive exhibit commentary with pop-up identifiers
“The northwest tower was purely defensive. From the top of the tower, attackers could be seen approaching from any direction. The alarm given, the whole castle sprang to high alert, the gate slammed shut, and watchmen armed to the teeth ran into position.”

Medieval Akersborg interactive exhibit start screen – play cat
Virtual Medieval Akersborg kitchen (North Wing)
Virtual Medieval Akersborg kitchen (North Wing)
Virtual Medieval Akersborg Great Hall (North Wing)
Virtual Medieval Akersborg Great Hall (North Wing)
Virtual Medieval Akersborg Great Hall (North Wing)

Virtual Medieval Akersborg kitchen (North Wing)

Virtual Medieval Akersborg kitchen (North Wing)

Virtual Medieval Akersborg Great Hall (North Wing)

Virtual Medieval Akersborg Great Hall (North Wing)

Virtual Medieval Akersborg Great Hall (North Wing)
The ‘Medieval Akersborg’ interactive virtual exhibit can stand alone or act as preparation and contextualisation for a visit to the parts of the physical castle open to the public today.

‘Vår fru dronning Margrete – Our noble lady Queen Margrete’ Exhibition (to September 2023, admission free).
The ‘Medieval Akersborg’ exhibit forms part of the temporary exhibition, ‘Vår fru dronning Margrete – Our noble lady Queen Margrete’ at the Norwegian Armed Forces Museum and Visitor Centre, Akershus Fortress and Castle (to September 2023, admission free).

Medieval Akersborg’ interactive exhibit at ‘Vår fru dronning Margrete – Our noble lady Queen Margrete’ Exhibition (to September 2023, admission free).
When the ‘Vår fru dronning Margrete – Our noble lady Queen Margrete’ exhibition closes in September 2023, the ‘Medieval Akersborg’ interactive exhibit will remain as a permanent attraction at the Visitor Centre.